Author name: admin


When your matter proceeds to Court as part of the Court timetable, your matter will be listed for a mediation. What is a mediation and what happens at a mediation? From the time you commence proceedings in Court you generally obtain a hearing date 12 months after you file proceedings. At around the nine month

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I Was Injured In A Motor Accident! What’s Next

According to the latest statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.3 million people globally die in traffic accidents every year, and on average 2.5 people die from traffic accidents every minute.  There are also 20-50 million people who have suffered non-fatal injuries as a result of traffic accidents, many of whom became disabled

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Psychological Claims for Workers Compensation

When people hear about personal injury claims, they generally think about physical injuries, like a broken hand. But don’t be fooled, this is only one side of personal injury claims! Psychological injuries can have a serious impact on individual’s lives, sometimes even more so than physical injuries. Psychological injuries can include depression, PTSD or anxiety

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