What is the medical negligence claim process

Longton Compensation Lawyers
Jonathan Coyle
Yevgeni Shkuratov

We’ll meet with you to find out what happened, we’ll request your treating clinical notes and prepare a timeline of relevant events (i.e. a chronology), we’ll find and engage the correct expert for your claim to provide their opinion on why your doctor or treatment provider or hospital was negligent (i.e. breached their duty of care to you), and how they ought to have treated you differently.

We’ll, also, arrange for you to be medically assessed to ascertain the extent of your injures and disabilities and obtain information from your past and current employers as well as any other relevant material to assist us with putting a value on your claim.

If necessary, we’ll submit your claim to the court so that a timetable is implemented so that your matter can proceed swiftly to resolution. We’ll do everything possible settle your claim out of court at an informal settlement conference or mediation.  If this is not possible, we’ll represent you at a court hearing of your claim.

The majority of medical negligence compensation claims are resolved out of court informally at informal settlement conference or mediation and only a small portion proceed to a final hearing to be ruled on by a judge.

We’ll take care of the entire process for you and will cover all upfront costs, so that you won’t have to pay anything out of your own pocket. We’ll make the entire process seamless and as stress free as possible.

*Disclaimer: This is intended as general information only and not to be construed as legal advice. The above information is subject to changes over time. You should always seek professional advice before taking any course of action.*

*Disclaimer: This is intended as general information only and not to be construed as legal advice. The above information is subject to changes over time. You should always seek professional advice before taking any course of action.*

Key Contact

Jonathan Coyle
Founding Partner
Yevgeni Shkuratov
Partner | Accredited Personal Injury Law Specialist NSW


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