If your injuries are assessed at greater than 15% WPI, you may have a work injury damages claim against your employer if your injuries occurred as a result of an unsafe system of employment or negligence.
If you have a work injury damages claim, you can pursue a claim for past and future economic losses including losses of superannuation. In this way you can receive a significant lump sum damages out of the workers compensation system.
Time limits apply
A workers compensation claim must be made within six months after the injury or accident or in the case of death within six months of the date of death.
A work injury damages claim must be made within three years of the date of the injury.
A workers compensation claim can be made outside the period of six months up to a maximum period of three years if the worker has a reasonable explanation for the delay.
Legal costs
We are accredited with the Independent Review Office (IRO) a statutory body set up to fund the claims of injured workers in New South Wales. Once we obtain your instructions, we will apply for funding request with IRO which is usually approved within 24 hours.
All our legal costs will be paid by IRO.
Contact us today, and start with a free consultation by clicking “Make a Booking” to receive our preliminary expert advice.