Professional Negligence

Introduction of Professional Negligence

At Longton Compensation Lawyers, we have dedicated teams of experienced solicitors ready to help you commence proceedings to recover damages a professional has caused you as a consequence of their incompetence or misrepresentation.   Professionals have a duty of care to offer a service with reasonable attentiveness and skill, or at a standard that is […]

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Professional Negligence Claim against a Financial Planner

The three main elements that need to be established when pursuing a professional negligence claim are: That the professional owed you a duty of care That the professional breached that duty, performing work below the acceptable standard; and That you suffered losses as a result, being injury or damage due to the breach of duty

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Introduction of Professional Negligence

At Longton Compensation Lawyers, we have dedicated teams of experienced solicitors ready to help you commence proceedings to recover damages a professional has caused you as a consequence of their incompetence or misrepresentation.   Professionals have a duty of care to offer a service with reasonable attentiveness and skill, or at a standard that is

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Professional Negligence Claim against a Financial Planner

The three main elements that need to be established when pursuing a professional negligence claim are: That the professional owed you a duty of care That the professional breached that duty, performing work below the acceptable standard; and That you suffered losses as a result, being injury or damage due to the breach of duty

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