
Introduction of Professional Negligence

At Longton Compensation Lawyers, we have dedicated teams of experienced solicitors ready to help you commence proceedings to recover damages a professional has caused you as a consequence of their incompetence or misrepresentation.   Professionals have a duty of care to offer a service with reasonable attentiveness and skill, or at a standard that is

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Professional Negligence Claim against a Financial Planner

The three main elements that need to be established when pursuing a professional negligence claim are: That the professional owed you a duty of care That the professional breached that duty, performing work below the acceptable standard; and That you suffered losses as a result, being injury or damage due to the breach of duty

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Residential Property and Rental Accommodation

Public liability compensation claims arising out of injuries sustained on residential property and rental accommodation are our expertise. Homeowners, landlords and rental property management agents owe a duty of care to take reasonable precautions in response to known or suspected risks which pose a risk of injury to occupiers or visitors of a residential premises. Therefore, if you have been

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